Monday 26 June 2017

Tai Chi Damps Down Inflammation Genes

Tai Chi as a moving mindful meditation appears to have a marked positive impact on dampening down inflammation in our bodies. This research study shows how our bodies inflammatory response effects both our physical health and mental wellbeing.
Tai chi for health class in Keighley, West Yorkshire.
Tai Chi – Mindful Meditation
Two links well worth a read:
The first, an easy to read article from New Scientist that summarises the amazing implications of this study.
The second, the full research paper published on Frontiers In Immunology which the article above summarises.
A little tai chi practise each day will help. If you think a family member, friend or colleague would be interested in this post please do share it.
We look forward to seeing in you in one of our classes, one to ones or workshops.

Thank you
Helen and Philip :)