Friday 7 September 2018

Tai Chi Class Carleton Primary School

Very pleased to announce that we will open our next awarding winning Tai Chi for Health class at Carleton Endowed CE Primary School, in the lovely village of Carleton, near Skipton.

We open on Tuesday 25th September with a free taster session for everybody starting at 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.

Poster for Tai Chi for Health class at Carleton Primary School, near Skipton
Tai Chi for Health - Carleton Primary School

Many people recognise the slow, mindful movements of Tai Chi from the British comedy film, Calendar Girls, starring Helen Mirren and Julie Walters.

You may have heard of the health benefits from regular practice of Tai Chi and its associated exercise Qigong (chee-gong) in the news recently. The four Chief Medical officers for the United Kingdom recommend Tai Chi as a low impact activity that builds strength, improves balance and promotes relaxation. 

As the only Board Certified Tai Chi for Health Institute instructors in Leeds and Bradford we offer people the opportunity to learn Tai Chi for Health programmes in a safe and inclusive space, with a warm welcome for everyone. Dr Paul Lam, an Australian GP, founded the Tai Chi for Health Institute as a non-profit organisation in 2010 to promote evidence based medical research into the benefits of Tai Chi and develop the professional role of Tai Chi instructors around the world.

We especially welcome people who live with long term health conditions, a disability, or people recovering from injury or a surgical procedure. We accept referrals from healthcare professionals and run workshops and presentations to a range of groups, organisations and professional teams.

After our opening on the 25th September the classes will run as follows:
• Tuesday 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm
• Open and ongoing - no need to book or pay in advance
• First Class Free to any new starter
• Price per session: £6
• Wear comfortable clothing, flat soled footwear, and a smile
If you think a friend or relative would like to read this blog or would like to try one of our classes please do share it with them.

We look forward to seeing you.

Philip and Helen