Tuesday 18 February 2020

Wave Hands in Clouds - Yang Tai Chi

We've had a bit of a deep dive over the last few weeks into Wave Hands in Clouds (云手 Yún Shǒu) from Yang style taijiquan.

Yang Chengfu

Inspired by a recent research paper based on this one sequence we've explored some of the components that make this particular Tai Chi sequence the 'mother' movement of all Tai Chi. Within this one movement we encounter the challenge of maintaining postural stability, relaxation, rootedness, balance and coordination.
"During Tai Chi Yunshou exercise, head-and-eye movements, the trunk and limbs movement are synchronous and frequent changes of head-and-body orientation are required. This may result in a better combination of the visual and vestibular systems for balance control."
Xie, G., Rao, T., Lin, L., Lin, Z., Xiao, T., Yang, M., Xu, Y., Fan, J., Lin, S., Wu, J., Feng, X., Li, L., Tao, J. and Chen, L. (2018). Effects of Tai Chi Yunshou exercise on community-based stroke patients: a cluster randomized controlled trial. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 15(1).
We have a number of people who expressed an interest in the paper so please do follow the link to read the full text here.

Let us know your thoughts and comments.

Thanks Phil & Helen